Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 4 ~At Ease~

Today was the first day I actually felt relaxed and at home.  Moving here on my own, figuring out transportation, and acclimating to a city has been more stressful than I care to admit.  (Still fun, though!)

I finally have all of my luggage moved in and a pillow on my bed.  I took a walk over to the outlets in the morning to get myself dress pants and then attended a housing meeting.  The meeting was longer than I expected but there was plenty of excitement.  I am so ready for the different housing events that are offered throughout the program!

After the meeting I went to Chic-fil-a and Walmart with Courtney, Gisselle, and Nora. (three of my roommates)  I was able to get everything I needed for my bedroom plus food for the week.

Annnndddd I am now out of money. :(

Tomorrow afternoon I have Traditions - a 4 hour orientation class for Walt Disney World.  I'm excited for my first paid Disney activity!

P.S. I'll post pictures of my beautiful apartment here later on.

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