Monday, December 23, 2013

Why Disney? (21 Days)

 I am not big on cartoons, I haven't memorized every line to Beauty and the Beast, and I'm not dying to get autographs from every princess I meet.  So why Disney?  

  1. Walt Disney only had $40 in his pocket when he moved to California to make his fortune.  He built an entire empire from nothing, and that inspires me.
  2. Walt found what many people dream of and search for: Immortality. (In a positive way!)  
  3. As a future business owner I look up to everything that he has accomplished, and continues to accomplish even after death.
  4. I would love to work for Disney corporate when I graduate.  More specifically, with Touchstone or ABC.
  5. I want to help make other people's days magical.
  6. It will look good on my resume. (Damn good if I do say so myself!)
  7. I am excited to take classes taught by Disney Leaders in areas such as marketing and leadership.
  8. This is my chance to explore and try new things.  Where better to start than Orlando, Florida?
  9. And of course, the perks!  Free park admission, meeting people from all over the world, cast-member only locations, etc.
I am honored to be a cast member, and I cannot wait to finally start in Walt Disney World!

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